Press Release

Marion Transit Driver Retires after 9 Years of Service; Speaks Highly of Marion’s Free Bus System Share

May 31, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Pub­lic Tran­sit Dri­ver Randy Church will hang his hat after serv­ing nine years with the City of Mar­i­on. His time with the City start­ed in Sep­tem­ber, 2009. His part-time com­mit­ment soon became full-time after a cou­ple of years. 

Church has worked in a vari­ety of capac­i­ties over the years pre­ced­ing his tenure with the City of Mar­i­on. He per­formed main­te­nance duties for the Grant Coun­ty Cour­t­house, worked in con­struc­tion, drove for numer­ous truck­ing com­pa­nies, and even worked as a bar­ber for many years.

Randy was a tire­less pro­fes­sion­al, a help­ful co-work­er, and for that he will not be eas­i­ly replaced. I thank him for his ded­i­ca­tion and hard work. It has been a plea­sure work­ing with Randy and I wish him noth­ing but the best as he begins his new adven­ture,” stat­ed Trans­porta­tion Direc­tor, Jeff Edwards.

Church said he enjoyed inter­act­ing with peo­ple rid­ing the bus, and assist­ing the elder­ly. He said, It’s a good ser­vice the City pro­vides. A lot of peo­ple wouldn’t have any oth­er way around.” 

He explained it’s impor­tant for the com­mu­ni­ty to know that rid­ing the bus doesn’t cost any­thing. It may take time to get used to the routes, but you can get any­where around town you need to go,” said Church.

In retire­ment, Church said he looks for­ward to show­ing his per­for­mance hors­es in var­i­ous com­pe­ti­tions, as well as enjoy­ing more time fish­ing and hunt­ing, and spend­ing time with grandkids.

Church’s last offi­cial day with the City is June 1st.

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