
Marion Transit Adds More Eligible Stops to Call-Ahead Service Share

May 28, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Begin­ning June 1st, 2020, Mar­i­on Tran­sit will add more accept­able des­ti­na­tions while con­tin­u­ing strin­gent COVID-19 pre­ven­tion. Rid­ers must con­tin­ue to call ahead at least 24 hours in advance (765.668.4445) and con­firm ser­vice will be pro­vid­ed to the des­ti­na­tion request­ed. Rid­ers must con­tin­ue to wear a face cov­er­ing and con­tin­ue social dis­tanc­ing. Restrict­ed bus capac­i­ty will also continue.

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