Press Release

Animal Care & Control Makes Improvements and Preparations after Adopting Out Most Pets Share

Jun 18, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Due to the Coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, many ani­mal shel­ters have adopt­ed out most if not all of their ani­mals. Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care & Con­trol is no excep­tion. Over the past cou­ple months, MACC’s shel­ter staff have tak­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make improve­ments to their facil­i­ty at 1021 IN-18. In addi­tion to deep-clean­ing, orga­niz­ing, and clear­ing out the lob­by, they have paint­ed near­ly every room in the shel­ter. They took it one step fur­ther and cre­at­ed fun and col­or­ful accent walls to encour­age pho­tos with ani­mals while bright­en­ing the facil­i­ty into a more wel­com­ing atmosphere.

Also, in antic­i­pa­tion of sum­mer which is usu­al­ly their busiest time of tak­ing in ani­mals, they are offer­ing a microchip­ping spe­cial for $5 for fixed (spayed/​neutered) ani­mals, $10 for non-fixed. Any­one with pets, even out­side the coun­ty, may make a microchip­ping appoint­ment with MACC.

By July 31st, we would like to reach our goal of microchip­ping 500 ani­mals. Last year, we chipped near­ly 400,” explained Brit­tney Shrout, Shel­ter Man­ag­er. She point­ed out their nor­mal cost is $10, still much low­er than what vets charge.

Pets must have a rabies vac­cine in order to be chipped. Proof must be shown. MACC is also offer­ing rabies vac­ci­na­tions through July 31st, 2020 for $25, which is about half MACC’s nor­mal cost.

To make an appoint­ment, con­tact 765.668.4491, bshrout@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov, or fill out the form found on our web­site, city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/pet, or the Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care and Con­trol Face­book Page.

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