KB Computers Share

Nov 10, 2021  |  Web Administrator

KB Com­put­ers was estab­lished in 1994 by Doug Edmonds. The name­sake of KB Com­put­ers” is derived from an auto­mo­tive busi­ness pre­vi­ous­ly owned and named after his father, Ken­ny Bob Auto­mo­tive” of Mar­i­on, IN. In the ear­ly 1980’s, Edmonds and long­time employ­ee, Jay Jack­son, were very inter­est­ed in com­put­ers and were asked by a mechan­ic of a auto­mo­tive busi­ness to pur­chase a com­put­er for him. When Edmonds did so, he ordered the com­put­er under the name, KB Com­put­ers” (KB for Ken­ny Bob), and lat­er cre­at­ed the busi­ness under the same name.

Since 1994, the team has expand­ed and spe­cial­ized in three areas of ser­vice: busi­ness, res­i­den­tial, and web­site. Each area of ser­vice is man­aged by an employ­ee on the KB team. KB is host to 101 web­sites and cares for 115 reg­is­tered domains. With­in the three areas of ser­vice, Edmonds cares for the busi­ness ser­vices which pro­vides infor­ma­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy (IT) to busi­ness­es with­out an IT depart­ment at an hourly rate. For res­i­den­tial ser­vices, Jack­son cares for repairs rang­ing from phys­i­cal repairs for com­put­ers and acces­sories to adjust­ing com­put­er set­tings due to user error. Recent­ly, the team added Loret­ta Tap­pan who is work­ing towards the improve­ment of web­site ser­vices and expan­sion of their cur­rent host­ing and domain reg­is­tra­tion into more cre­ative design management. 

In their hum­ble begin­nings, the team start­ed in Edmonds’ home and remained there for about a decade before call­ing down­town Mar­i­on home. Since mov­ing their ser­vices down­town, the team has worked out of the Com­mu­ni­ty School of the Arts build­ing, and today with­in the Boston Hill Center. 

The future of KB Com­put­ers is bright with hopes of cre­ative ener­gy in their web ser­vices and an expan­sion towards social media assis­tance to their clien­tele. When ask­ing the staff what they wish the com­mu­ni­ty knew of them, they replied, Ice Cream Hap­py Hour!” There­fore, please join the KB Com­put­ers team for an Ice Cream Hap­py Hour every Fri­day at 3pm at Ashley’s Ice Cream Café, a neigh­bor­ing down­town busi­ness! Hours of KB Com­put­ers have been adjust­ed to include the appoint­ment as a sta­ple in their week, and they hope you’ll join them for laughs and down­town dairy!

KB Com­put­ers
Boston Hill Center
428 S. Wash­ing­ton St., Suite 221
Mar­i­on, IN 46953

Sub­mit­ted by:
Kay­la Johnson
Main Street Marion

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