Gibson at 5th Street Commons Share

Jul 30, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A dis­placed dog has found a for­ev­er place with a city employ­ee, and is now get­ting accli­mat­ed by explor­ing pub­lic spaces with his new own­er. Gib­son” is a one-year-old male blue tick hound / Ger­man short-haired point­er mix who was adopt­ed by City of Mar­i­on Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion Coor­di­na­tor, Kay­la John­son, on July 5th, short­ly after she moved from an apart­ment into a house in Marion.

John­son had been count­ing down the days until she had the capac­i­ty to adopt a dog from the shel­ter. She wise­ly took her time and shopped around,” walk­ing dif­fer­ent dogs until she found a good fit in Gib­son. It’s nice he’s already devel­oped and not hard to train. He’s made it easy on me,” expressed John­son.
She said the adop­tion process at Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care & Con­trol was afford­able, smooth, and the shel­ter staff was help­ful and resource­ful. After Gib­son was adopt­ed, they neutered him a week lat­er at their on-site vet­eri­nar­i­an office.

With Gib­son in her care for near­ly a month, John­son is help­ing him inter­act and play with oth­er dogs. Last week, they attend­ed the rib­bon cut­ting and cel­e­bra­tion for the 5th Street Com­mons,” a new gath­er­ing space Down­town, Mar­i­on, re-pur­posed for events in addi­tion to its day func­tion as a pri­vate / pub­lic park­ing lot.

The cel­e­bra­tion fea­tured a live band which uti­lized the new­ly installed event-ready elec­tri­cal hookup. The event also fea­tured a live reper­to­ry per­for­mance of Oth­el­lo by @hoosiershakes under which flood light­ing would enable them to per­form into the night. All five sens­es were stim­u­lat­ed through food, fresh air, friends, and fine tunes at the spe­cial event at the 5th Street Com­mons. (To reserve the Com­mons for an event, call Janet Pear­son at 765.382.3774 or email jpearson@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov).

There are many more ani­mals await­ing their for­ev­er home at Mar­i­on ACC. Par­tic­i­pate in their Loan­ing Love” pro­gram to take time in find­ing the right fit for you and your home. Vis­it them at 1021 IN-18, Mar­i­on, IN, 46952, or give them a call at 765.668.4491.

w/​@thrivinggrantcounty #dog­dateafter­noon #love­wherey­oulive #great­in­grant­coun­ty #bedown­town

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