Cynthia Deal Share

Feb 2, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

16-year-old Cyn­thia Deal loves help­ing ani­mals and has been car­ing for them even as a young child. Her fam­i­ly of 14 lives out in the coun­try with open spaces and a barn where they have for many years res­cued and fos­tered dogs and cats, and most recent­ly hors­es and ponies. 

Since the begin­ning of 2021, Deal has con­sis­tent­ly vol­un­teered for Mar­i­on Ani­mal Care and Control.

Shel­ter Man­ag­er, Brit­tney Shrout, explained that Deal is very ded­i­cat­ed. She comes in two to three times a week and helps out with bathing the ani­mals, help­ing with paper­work, and has even learned to admin­is­ter basic vet­eri­nary func­tions such as giv­ing vac­ci­na­tions and microchips.” 

Deal’s mom said that she plugs in wher­ev­er she can” to help the ani­mals at the shel­ter and at home. She added, Cyn­thia will bring the mini ponies we have to church fairs and oth­er events.” 

Cynthia with horse

Deal is also very involved at Lib­er­ty Bap­tist Church in Sweetser through teach­ing once a week for the children’s min­istry and singing in the choir.

Deal is home­schooled with her siblings.

Pho­to cour­tesy of Bess Deal.

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