Gabby Morris Share

Aug 9, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Gabriel­la Gab­by” Mor­ris has been an employ­ee of the City of Mar­i­on Splash House since 2016. She began work­ing as a Life­guard, then in 2017 became the Assis­tant Life­guard Man­ag­er, and in 2018 was pro­mot­ed to Life­guard Manager.

Mor­ris, who has a cou­ple of loved ones with spe­cial needs, ini­ti­at­ed a spe­cial evening event at the Splash House catered specif­i­cal­ly for indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties or unique needs. The Splash House, although designed to be accom­mo­dat­ing to indi­vid­u­als with spe­cial needs, host­ed the SplashA­BIL­I­TY” event on July 25th, 2018, cel­e­brat­ing these indi­vid­u­als by hav­ing a low­er entry fee (free for the first 100 peo­ple), and offered fea­tures that would be more invit­ing to spe­cial needs indi­vid­u­als such as low­er­ing the inten­si­ty of the wave pool and low­er­ing the vol­ume of the music. There were spe­cial activ­i­ties, a pureed food sta­tion, and yard games dur­ing the event that Mor­ris spearheaded.

More than 200 peo­ple attend­ed the spe­cial evening event. Splash House Direc­tor Andy Davis said they hope to do more events like SplashA­BIL­I­TY in the future. It was great to see her hard work pay off, and we plan to expand on the suc­cess of the event next year,” Davis said. Gab­by has been a very ded­i­cat­ed employ­ee of the Splash House for the last three sum­mers. He added, She felt pas­sion­ate about doing a spe­cial event to include every­one, and it was great to make the Splash House espe­cial­ly enjoy­able and com­fort­able for those with disabilities.”

Mor­ris will be a senior at Ball State Uni­ver­si­ty in the fall.

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