Press Release

Reminder: Final Cleanup THIS Saturday, 10/5/24 Share

Oct 3, 2024  |  Web Administrator

The City has hav­ing its final 24 Cleanup Sat­ur­day, Oct. 5th as the sea­son ends.

Mar­i­on res­i­dents exclud­ing land­lords and con­trac­tors may drop unwant­ed items off at the Cen­tral Loca­tion any­time from 9am-2pm on Oct. 5th. *ID is required for proof of res­i­dence.

The Cen­tral Loca­tion is City­wide Main­te­nance (Street Dept.) at 520 E. 6th St. (Turn south on Shunk St. from SR 18 or 4th St.). Dump­sters are pro­vid­ed by the City. Lit­ter grab­bers, trash bags, and gloves are also avail­able at the Cen­tral Loca­tion that day.

A piz­za lunch with cook­ies will be pro­vid­ed at Noon, first come first serve.

The final quad­rant for com­pli­men­ta­ry Curb­side Pick­up will be from 9th St. up to Bond Ave./Chapel Pike includ­ing Shady Hills, and from Wash­ing­ton St./Wabash Ave. to Penn­syl­va­nia St. includ­ing Brinker Heights (see attached map). Res­i­dents who live with­in these bound­aries will have curb­side pick­up ser­vice that week­end. Res­i­dents must have items at their curb by 9am Sat­ur­day as crews will begin pick­up at that time. (please allow up to three days.)

Cleanup Items Not Accept­ed: con­struc­tion debris, yard waste, tires, TVs, paint, burn bar­rels (see https://​www​.mar​i​onu​til​i​ties​.com/​s​o​l​i​d​-​w​a​s​t​e​.html for fur­ther info). We will have dis­pos­al guides at the Cen­tral Loca­tion.

The City encour­ages walk­ing vol­un­teers around the city dur­ing the last Cleanup. (Deci­sions regard­ing weath­er or oth­er cir­cum­stances are not deter­mined by the City.) Res­i­dents who wish to con­nect with neigh­bor­hood lead­ers for guid­ance on cleanup areas may refer to city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​i​g​h​b​o​r​hoods.

If you par­tic­i­pate, you may post your pho­tos or videos using hash­tag, #cleanci­ty­mar­i­on.

BONUS: Pick up for a Prize!

Clean up an area of the city and email photo(s) to lprice@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov by 10am Oct. 7.

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