Donna Knight, "The Fudge Lady" Share

Dec 8, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Life­long Mar­i­on res­i­dent Don­na Knight is known around town as sim­ply, The Fudge Lady.” But, her sto­ry is not always well-known.

Knight is a two-time sur­vivor of can­cer. She was diag­nosed in 2012 with stage-four breast can­cer, then sur­vived a sep­a­rate bat­tle with lung can­cer. Knight said, I was blessed. God was look­ing out for me for some rea­son.” She had suf­fered the loss of both her father and hus­band with­in two years pri­or to learn­ing of her own diagnosis.

Knight gives her time in grat­i­tude in sev­er­al ways. She spends two days a week vol­un­teer­ing at Mar­i­on Health, from where she retired. I see a lot of can­cer patients up at the hos­pi­tal, and I just want to help oth­er peo­ple who are going through it.” She sup­ports mul­ti­ple events such as the Walk of Hope and Golf Scram­ble through Can­cer Ser­vices of Grant Coun­ty, an orga­ni­za­tion she still con­sid­ers fam­i­ly. They are beside you, and were there by my side the whole time,” she expressed.

Knight’s labor of love five days a week is in the kitchen for a split phil­an­thropic pur­pose. Since 2013, Knight has been mak­ing fudge and oth­er deca­dent desserts and sells them at var­i­ous places and events around Mar­i­on and Grant Coun­ty with 100% pro­ceeds split between two char­i­ties dear to her heart. Six months out of the year, she gives the pro­ceeds to Can­cer Ser­vices of Grant Coun­ty, and the oth­er six to Twin City We Care which helps local kids in need. Own­ers of local busi­ness, HR Puff N Stuff in Gas City, sup­ply her with the ingre­di­ents for her cause, and she goes to town.” Thou­sands of dol­lars are received each year by the two non­prof­its from her sales.

She also gives her time vol­un­teer­ing at Fortress Fed­er­al Cred­it Union in Mar­i­on writ­ing let­ters to clients and dou­ble-check­ing teller work.

Knight grad­u­at­ed from Mar­i­on High School, then worked for 33 years at RCA, five at Wiley Met­al, then sev­en at Mar­i­on Health as a house­keep­er before retir­ing and begin­ning her new journey.

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