Press Release

Monthly #DiscoverMarionDowntown Kicks off 7/23/21 with "Christmas in July" Theme Share

Jun 28, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The City of Mar­i­on and down­town busi­ness­es are plan­ning col­lec­tive fes­tiv­i­ties through #Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town month­ly events, and July is the kick­off with a Christ­mas in July” theme!

JULY 23RD, 2021, 5 – 9pm

Jin­gle Bell Hop” – Stop in var­i­ous down­town busi­ness­es and get a sweet treat with pro­ceeds going to the Lin­da Har­mon Foun­da­tion. Tick­ets are $10, and avail­able at each par­tic­i­pat­ing busi­ness (list will be post­ed on the #Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town Face­book Event Page). Tick­et hold­ers will also gain access to spe­cial sales/​promotions at each stop and entered into a draw­ing to win a Christ­mas Basket.

#Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town Cruise-In” – Clas­sic cars will be cruis­ing and parked around the Cour­t­house Square. The first 80 cars to reg­is­ter will receive a dash plaque. (See Face­book Event for reg­is­tra­tion link).

His­toric Christ­mas Pho­to Recre­ation – Be part of his­to­ry! At 5:30pm, show up on the SW cor­ner of the Square, then at 8pm on the NE cor­ner, where spe­cial pho­tographs will be tak­en in hopes to recre­ate the char­ac­ter­is­tics and spir­it of the his­toric down­town Mar­i­on pho­tos from Christ­mas­time in the 1950s.

1950s DT Christmas Photo

More Fea­tures: Hol­i­day-dec­o­rat­ed store­fronts; car­ol­ers, San­ta at Sender Café; Mir­a­cle on 34th Street at Mar­i­on Civic The­atre, and more!

#Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town will con­tin­ue through to the end of the year with dif­fer­ent themes each month. Fol­low the #Dis­cov­er­Mar­ion­Down­town Face­book Page for future dates and themes for these month­ly down­town events, and forth­com­ing infor­ma­tion on July’s event.

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