
Did You Know: Trash and Public Nuisances Share

Jun 10, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Did you know that any accu­mu­la­tion of trash, junk and oth­er aban­doned mate­ri­als, met­als, tires, and lum­ber are pub­lic nui­sances? Addi­tion­al­ly, any con­di­tion which pro­vides harbor­age of rats, mice, snakes, insects, and oth­er ver­min, as well as any dis­agree­able or obnox­ious odors in addi­tion to the con­di­tions, sub­stances or oth­er caus­es which give rise to emis­sions of those odors are also con­sid­ered pub­lic nuisances?


The pur­pose of the Trash and Pub­lic Nui­sance Munic­i­pal Code is to pro­tect pub­lic safe­ty, health and wel­fare, and enhance the envi­ron­ment of the peo­ple of the city by mak­ing it unlaw­ful to allow a Trash and Pub­lic Nui­sance to exist.

More exam­ples of Trash and Pub­lic Nui­sances, and the fee sched­ule rel­a­tive to these vio­la­tions, are pro­vid­ed on Amer­i­can Legal — Pub­lic Nui­sances.

Let’s keep build­ing Clean City 2.0” for a safer and clean­er com­mu­ni­ty. #CleanCi­ty­Mar­i­on

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