
Did You Know: Abandoned Vehicles Share

Jul 9, 2024  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on’s Munic­i­pal Code lays out rules and reg­u­la­tions regard­ing Aban­doned Vehi­cles and/​or Parked Vehi­cles with­in the city lim­its. Chap­ter 90 informs of the grounds for remov­ing an aban­doned vehi­cle, the dis­pos­al process of impound­ed vehi­cles, rules on park­ing on the streets or thor­ough­fares as well as res­i­den­tial dis­tricts, and more…all found at https://​codeli​brary​.amle​gal​.co….

abandoned truck and bus

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