CPR Certified Citywide Maintenance Share

Jun 8, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

There are times when Mar­i­on City­wide Main­te­nance crews are first on the scene of emer­gen­cies out in the parks and pub­lic spaces. It is in prepa­ra­tion for these unfore­seen times that the depart­ment is train­ing their team through the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment to be ready to save lives if need­ed while wait­ing for emer­gency crews to arrive.

Super­in­ten­dent James Loftis cit­ed a sit­u­a­tion in Mat­ter Park last year.

Mark Cas­to, Randy Hiatt, and I were installing fence pan­els when a moth­er came run­ning from Friend­ship Cor­ner with her 2 ½ year old son and said he wasn’t breath­ing. I went to the mom and deter­mined he was breath­ing and said we need­ed to get him in the shade while Mark helped to keep the grand­moth­er and broth­er calm. We instruct­ed the grand­moth­er to call 911, and kept talk­ing to the boy to keep him look­ing at us while we wait­ed for the para­medics to arrive. They deter­mined he had a his­to­ry of seizures. It was that inci­dent that pushed us to be proac­tive and con­tact the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment about get­ting CPR certified.”

There have been mul­ti­ple oth­er inci­dents where City­wide Main­te­nance crews have been first on the scene and have called 911, talked to the peo­ple involved, and have helped them keep calm and comfortable.

Loftis said, Each time these emer­gen­cies have occurred, I learn that my guys knew what to do and act­ed quick­ly, and that makes me proud.”

The City­wide Main­te­nance Depart­ment has ten employ­ees who have com­plet­ed CPR cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, and Loftis plans to cer­ti­fy the remain­ing sev­en this summer.

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