Press Release

Condemned Downtown Building Restored and Fully Occupied Share

Feb 3, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A near­ly ill-fat­ed his­toric down­town build­ing is breath­ing new life thanks to a small group of ambi­tious local investors work­ing with the City of Mar­i­on. What many referred to as an eye sore is now ful­ly occu­pied for com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial use, and boasts a bright, appeal­ing façade.

For sev­er­al years, the 1920 build­ing at 139 E. 3rd St. sat aban­doned after its pre­vi­ous own­er, Stephen P. Wolfe, vacat­ed. It had been deemed unsafe, and the City of Mar­i­on took own­er­ship in 2015. There was talk of tear­ing it down, but the City and hope­ful indi­vid­u­als want­ed to give it anoth­er chance. Vol­un­teers cleaned out much of the build­ing which made it more mar­ketable. Short­ly fol­low­ing, three vision­ary entre­pre­neurs — Phillip Bow­ers, Trent Dai­ley, and Jonathan Preusz, mak­ing up BDP Real Estate, LLC — worked with the City to pur­chase the build­ing in the sum­mer of 2018


The three worked for many months with con­trac­tors and even fam­i­ly mem­bers to revi­tal­ize the build­ing. In the fall of last year, local design­er, Lin­da Har­mon, moved her stu­dio and décor shop, Design Stu­dio 407, into the west half of the 1st floor. She is report­ed­ly get­ting record busi­ness at the high-vis­i­bil­i­ty loca­tion. The own­ers also trans­formed the 2nd floor into two apart­ments (each 2 bed­room, 2 bath) with one unit attract­ing vis­i­tors as Cityscape on 3rd” through online lodg­ing mar­ket­places such as Airbnb, VRBO, and Zil­low. Most recent­ly, the east half of the build­ing was leased to a com­pa­ny for use to be announced.

"Cityscape on 3rd"
Cityscape on 3rd

There is grow­ing inter­est in down­town, and it’s because the mar­ket is not sat­u­rat­ed,” explained Bow­ers. We were one of the first to offer lux­u­ry apart­ments down­town; there­fore, we took a risk.”

Preusz added, About 2 years ago, there was prac­ti­cal­ly noth­ing down there, but in a rel­a­tive­ly short peri­od, there has been a lot of development.”

The team cel­e­brat­ed the City’s pur­suit of grants to improve streets, side­walks, etc. 50 years from now, I hope down­town gets back to being a hang­out spot like back in the day…perhaps a lot soon­er,” expressed Preusz.

The group has notably invest­ed in oth­er prop­er­ties in Mar­i­on & Grant Coun­ty with a mis­sion to improve the com­mu­ni­ty one prop­er­ty at a time.”

About BDP Real Estate:


Media Con­tacts:

BDP Real Estate, LLC
Jonathan Preusz, Mem­ber / Co-founder

City of Mar­i­on
Jess Alum­baugh, May­or

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