
Common Council Accepting Applications for Attorney through 12pm, 2/4/22 Share

Jan 19, 2022  |  Web Administrator

The Mar­i­on City Coun­cil is accept­ing resumes with a cov­er let­ter for the 2022 – 23 cal­en­dar year for the posi­tion of City Coun­cil attor­ney. The appli­cant lawyer must prac­tice in the city lim­its and hold no oth­er posi­tions that will be con­sid­ered as con­flict of inter­est, nor with­in a firm where part­ners hold posi­tions that will be con­sid­ered as con­flict of interest. 

Resumes need to be sub­mit­ted no lat­er than 12pm on Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 4th, 2022. Please email resumes to the City Clerk Kath­leen Kiley at kkiley@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov and Deputy Clerk Deb­bie Good­man at dgoodman@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov.

Appli­cants will be inter­viewed on Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 8th, 2022 dur­ing an Exec­u­tive Ses­sion at 5:30pm with selec­tion made at a Spe­cial meet­ing on Feb­ru­ary 8th, 2022 at 6:30pm. These meet­ings will be held in the Coun­cil Cham­bers in the Mar­i­on Munic­i­pal Build­ing at 301 S. Bran­son Street, Mar­i­on, Indiana.

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