Press Release

City’s New Brand Created from IWU Partnership Share

Jan 27, 2017  |  Web Administrator

(MAR­I­ON, IN) Jan­u­ary 27th, 2017 – The City of Mar­i­on is unveil­ing a new brand and iden­ti­ty through a part­ner­ship with an aca­d­e­m­ic group at Indi­ana Wes­leyan University.

In April of 2016, Mar­i­on May­or Jess Alum­baugh reached out to IWU, while a group of pro­fes­sors had recent­ly stim­u­lat­ed an aca­d­e­m­ic ini­tia­tive com­prised of about 20 stu­dents with big desires to make a last­ing impact in the com­mu­ni­ty through design. The group ini­ti­at­ed dis­cus­sions with lead­ers who had been explor­ing the next step in fur­ther­ing a new iden­ti­ty to replace the decade-old catch phrase/​logo, Make it Marion.”

As the process began, the stu­dents and pro­fes­sors devot­ed their sum­mer to gain a real under­stand­ing of Mar­i­on with an end goal of cre­at­ing a new brand for the city.

The City worked with Grant Coun­ty to secure for them a work­shop stu­dio” in a down­town Mar­i­on build­ing, for­mer­ly Salin Bank, on the cour­t­house square. The group had request­ed it, explain­ing it was ide­al for gain­ing a true per­spec­tive of Mar­i­on. While work­ing, the group soon cre­at­ed its own iden­ti­ty, Mar­i­on Design Co., which has now become an aca­d­e­m­ic pro­gram under the Divi­sion of Art and Design.

Through­out the sum­mer, Mar­i­on Design Co. worked dai­ly to con­duct research on Mar­i­on, and ini­ti­at­ed com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment in many forms. They then iden­ti­fied five cat­e­gories which they explain make up the val­ues of Mar­i­on: com­mon iden­ti­ty, delib­er­ate care, vibrant life, focused action, and tena­cious hope.

Our desire to assist in rebrand­ing the city came from the desire to hear as many sto­ries as pos­si­ble and to empow­er one anoth­er through a mes­sage of hope and pride,” explained Herb Vin­cent Peter­son, Mar­i­on Design Co. co-founder and professor.

In the fall, a small­er group began the cre­ative process. They cre­at­ed a brand mark and accom­pa­ny­ing design con­cepts based on the above val­ues, as well as essence words they uncov­ered after dis­till­ing find­ings: belong­ing, foun­da­tion, dis­cov­ery, under­stand, con­verge, and resource­ful. They uti­lized their expe­ri­ences of walk­ing around the his­tor­i­cal down­town, vis­it­ing notable sites, and tour­ing tall build­ings which told sto­ries of their own. They col­lab­o­rat­ed to illus­trate their expe­ri­ences, and as a result, the let­ter M, found in the Jef­fer­son­ian grid of the heart of Mar­i­on, blossomed.

The stu­dents played with its struc­ture and cre­at­ed a mul­ti-dimen­sion­al M, com­prised of the many parts that make up Mar­i­on, which seems to move for­ward when observed in tilt­ed cor­re­la­tion with the grid.

The M comes from repeat­ing pat­terns with­in our many blocks and streets of busi­ness­es, homes, and great orga­ni­za­tions. The cen­ter is pro­por­tion­al to the cen­ter square where the Grant Coun­ty Court House sits.” – Mar­i­on Design Co.

The col­ors that make up the new mark are shades of blue (sym­bol­iz­ing trust, depend­abil­i­ty, and seren­i­ty), and green (sym­bol­iz­ing growth, strength, and spir­it), with a white back­ground (rep­re­sent­ing puri­ty). Col­or choic­es were also inspired from sim­i­lar Marion/​Grant Coun­ty organizations.

City of Mar­i­on” accom­pa­nies the new­born M in bold yet soft type­face which was spe­cial­ly cre­at­ed for Marion.

The new brand mark will be able to accom­pa­ny addi­tion­al taglines such as the City’s new slo­gan, City of Champions.”

May­or Alum­baugh reflect­ed, I’ve wit­nessed incred­i­ble pas­sion, work eth­ic, and tal­ent in these stu­dents and pro­fes­sors. I am pleased that they chose to part­ner with the City of Mar­i­on to cre­ate our new brand.”

Link to full pre­sen­ta­tion of brand­ing process: https://​dri​ve​.google​.com/​f​i​l​e​/​d​/​0​B​w​M​5​L​1​q​Y​s​F​b​6​S​0​o​4​b​3​N​l​R​F​d​W​T​V​U​/​v​i​e​w​?​u​sp=sh…

Names of Mar­i­on Design Stu­dents involved in Rebrand: Judah Oech­sle Claire Toon Grace Hern­don Sum­mer Fish­er Gra­ham McClana­han Micheal Over­beck Hunter Razo (alum­nus) Madi­son Mosh­er Sarah Collicot

Media Con­tacts: Lay­la A. Price Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment and Mar­ket­ing, City of Mar­i­on, Indi­ana (765) 6029011 lprice@​marionindiana.​us

Herb Vin­cent Peter­son, MFA Chief Design Offi­cer and Co-Founder: Mar­i­on Design Co. Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor, Coor­di­na­tor of Graph­ic Design: Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty herb.​peterson@​indwes.​edu

Wendy Puffer, MFA Licensed Inte­ri­or Design­er and Co-Founder: Mar­i­on Design Co. Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor, Coor­di­na­tor of Design for Social Impact: Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty wendy.​puffer@​indwes.​edu

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