Press Release

City of Marion Welcomes New Director of Transportation Share

Jan 4, 2017  |  Web Administrator

MAR­I­ON, IN: (Jan. 4th, 2017) – The City of Mar­i­on Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment has new lead­er­ship as of Jan­u­ary 3rd. Jeff Edwards is a sea­soned leader, hav­ing most recent­ly served as a cor­po­ral super­vi­sor for the Grant Coun­ty Juve­nile Deten­tion Cen­ter. After serv­ing four years as an offi­cer there, he was pro­mot­ed into a super­vi­so­ry role, over­see­ing eight employ­ees charged with the care and con­trol of the juve­niles at the Center.

Pri­or, Edwards served 31 years at the for­mer RCA which lat­er became Thom­son Con­sumer Elec­tron­ics, where for 20 years he ran qual­i­ty con­trol. Edwards also over­saw qual­i­ty con­trol at an air spring fac­to­ry in Noblesville.

May­or Alum­baugh described Edwards as a gen­tle­man of high char­ac­ter who will bring calm and con­sis­tent lead­er­ship to the Trans­porta­tion Department.”

This week, Edwards has been accli­mat­ing to his new role with the City, mak­ing rounds on the bus­es and intro­duc­ing him­self to his new team cur­rent­ly made up of eleven employees.

Edwards, orig­i­nal­ly from Muncie, moved to Mar­i­on in 1974. He is mar­ried with 4 chil­dren and 10 grandchildren.

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