
Center City Cleanup Canceled; Block Party Still Scheduled Share

Jul 27, 2018  |  Web Administrator

The Cleanup in the Cen­ter City Neigh­bor­hood sched­uled for tomor­row (Sat), July 28th, has been can­celed. The block par­ty is still sched­uled for 1 – 5pm tomor­row, co-host­ed by Real Com­mu­ni­ty Church, & Cen­ter City and Emi­ly Flinn Neigh­bor­hood Associations. 

To learn more about the Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tions, or to find con­tact infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​n​e​i​g​h​b​o​r​hoods.

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