Ashley's Ice Cream Cafe & Jigsaw Junction Share

Feb 10, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Jig­saw Junc­tion was estab­lished in Novem­ber of 2019 in the Boston Hill Cen­ter of Down­town Mar­i­on by for­mer own­ers, Ash­ley and DL Hurd. The Hurds with­stood many adver­si­ties as the glob­al pan­dem­ic, COVID-19, hit the local com­mu­ni­ty. They pro­ceed­ed to pro­vide excel­lent ser­vices by sell­ing and ship­ping puz­zles all over Grant Coun­ty and through­out the Unit­ed States. The resilien­cy of the lit­tle shop is some­thing to cel­e­brate and reflects the same resilience many small busi­ness own­ers bring to the com­mu­ni­ty in Down­town Marion.

After fac­ing the many chal­lenges present in 2020, the cou­ple expand­ed their busi­ness into the his­toric Rid­ley Tow­er build­ing in Down­town Mar­i­on and estab­lished Ashley’s Ice Cream Café in May, 2021. In the cur­rent loca­tion of Rid­ley Tow­er, escape rooms are now offered and have been a hit with sol­id book­ings from the start.

In Jan­u­ary, 2022, both busi­ness­es were sold to a down­town busi­ness neigh­bor, Dawn Con­well, own­er of True Envy Bou­tique. Ash­ley Hurd empha­sized to Dawn Con­well while sell­ing the busi­ness that she believed Con­well could take things to the next lev­el. Since the sell, Con­well has been eager to do just that and keep mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in down­town by releas­ing her Mar­i­on His­to­ry inspired menu for the com­mu­ni­ty to taste and explore. She hopes it will inspire con­tin­ued pride in the com­mu­ni­ty and plans to reveal the full menu in spring of 2022. Con­well is now offer­ing birth­day par­ty book­ings com­bin­ing the two busi­ness­es into a great expe­ri­ence-based busi­ness for the com­mu­ni­ty. Con­well empha­sizes that the his­toric build­ing with puz­zles, games, ice cream and cof­fee is a unique draw, plac­ing Mar­i­on on the map! Con­well has no inten­tions of chang­ing the name of Ashley’s Ice Cream Café, and hopes that it will always point back to the Hurds to hon­or their invest­ment and heart for entre­pre­neur­ship in Down­town Marion.

Be sure to fol­low social media accounts for both busi­ness­es to keep up with the details of all the new things on the hori­zon. Con­well assured us that the fla­vor of the month, Heaps of Love” is well worth stop­ping in to taste and also shared that cof­fee pull-up ser­vices and an app will soon fol­low the Spring menu release. We hope to see you in the his­toric Rid­ley Tow­er of Down­town Mar­i­on soon at the fam­i­ly friend­ly expe­ri­ence of Jig­saw Junc­tion and Ashley’s Ice Cream Café.

Ashley’s Ice Cream Café & Jig­saw Junction

Rid­ley Tow­er
402 S. Wash­ing­ton St.
Mar­i­on, IN 46953 

Hours: Tue. – Thu. 6am-8pm | Fri. 6am-9pm | Sat. 1 – 9pm

Sub­mit­ted by Kay­la John­son, Main Street Marion

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