Angie at Hogin Park Share

Sep 17, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

#Dog­DateAfter­noon — Ang­ie,” an adopt­able Jack Rus­sell Ter­ri­er mix, got to vis­it Hogin Park today fol­low­ing some recent improve­ments to the park. City of Mar­i­on Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions Dir., Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, uti­lized Ani­mal Care & Control’s Loan­ing Love” pro­gram, and togeth­er they enjoyed the park which had got­ten a makeover by vol­un­teers from The King’s Acad­e­my of Jones­boro. The team had paint­ed bench­es (brown), the restroom, hand­i­cap park­ing spaces, and curbs in the neigh­bor­hood, as well as cleaned up trash, debris, and over­grown brush. Ang­ie was qui­et and well-tem­pered, and savored all the smells in the fresh fall air. Ang­ie is about 5 years old, and gets along well with oth­er dogs and peo­ple. She is one of the most behaved dogs at the shel­ter cur­rent­ly, and even shares a cage with a fel­low canine friend. Vis­it Ang­ie and oth­er avail­able ani­mals at Mar­i­on ACC, 1021 IN-18, Mar­i­on, IN, 46952, or call 7656684491 from 11 – 5pm, Tues.-Fri.

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