
2023 Discover Marion Downtown Event Weekends Share

Jan 20, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

DMD events typ­i­cal­ly hap­pen on the 3rd week­ends of each event month with one excep­tion this year.

Fol­low Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Down­town on Face­book to find out what’s com­ing up next! We will also be post­ing each event fly­er on the News & Events sec­tion of our website. 


Tune in each 3rd Wednes­day on 105.5 FM/1400 AM WBAT at 8:10am, and on WSOT-TV local chan­nel 3 / dig­i­tal chan­nel 27.1 at 12pm, for the scoop on each upcom­ing event!

We hope to see you downtown!

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