Whitney Gilbert Share

Mar 2, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

We want to con­grat­u­late Whit­ney Gilbert for being our Spot­light City Employ­ee for the month of March!! Thank you for all you do, Whitney!

Whit­ney Gilbert is the Admin­is­tra­tive Assis­tant for the Build­ing Depart­ment. She has worked for the City of Mar­i­on for 1 12 years. Whit­ney is respon­si­ble for the dai­ly oper­a­tion of the Build­ing Depart­ment office, but she works with Code Enforce­ment and Ani­mal Care & Con­trol in addi­tion to the Build­ing Depart­ment. Her duties include work­ing with the Blight Elim­i­na­tion Pro­gram, issu­ing build­ing per­mits, work­ing with con­trac­tors and the pub­lic, and sched­ul­ing appointments.

She does an excel­lent job with all of her duties. She keeps our depart­ment mov­ing for­ward, which in turn keeps the city mov­ing for­ward. From 8am-4pm, she runs my life and makes sure that I do what is need­ed.” — Jer­ry Foust­night, Build­ing Commissioner

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