Walmart Supercenter Share

Jan 2, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Wal­mart Super­center has been serv­ing Mar­i­on and Grant Coun­ty for decades. In that time there have been sev­er­al changes and updates to the store itself and with­in the company.

Most recent­ly, Wal­mart was excit­ed to be the first retail­er in Grant Coun­ty to offer a gro­cery pick­up pro­gram. Gro­cery pick­up began March 21st, 2019 in Mar­i­on which quick­ly grew to 177 pick-up pur­chas­es per day served by Decem­ber, 2019. The pro­gram is as easy as down­load­ing the gro­cery app, mak­ing a min­i­mum pur­chase of $30, pulling into a des­ig­nat­ed park­ing space, let­ting them know you are there, and they bring your gro­ceries out and even load them for you!

Anoth­er new fea­tured added in 2019 was the pick­up tow­er and lock­ers locat­ed at the gro­cery entrance of the store. This allows cus­tomers to order online, ship their items to the store – which receives some cred­it for the pur­chase, scan­ning the QR code or bar­code, and the tow­er or lock­ers gives access to pur­chased items imme­di­ate­ly with­out need­ing an associate’s help. Gro­cery pick­up and the pick­up tow­er allows the local Wal­mart to stay com­pet­i­tive with online retail­ers, such as Ama­zon, to keep res­i­dents shop­ping local­ly and addi­tion­al freight costs down.

Wal­mart Super­center cur­rent­ly employs 291 employ­ees at the Mar­i­on loca­tion. In try­ing to stay cog­nizant of retain­ing tal­ent and stay­ing com­pet­i­tive with oth­er employ­ers, Wal­mart offers their employ­ees sev­er­al ben­e­fits includ­ing health and vision insur­ance and vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties to get employ­ees involved and engaged in the com­mu­ni­ty. 25 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice by an employ­ee may result in a $250 dona­tion to a local non­prof­it on behalf of the employee.

The Super­center also has a great rela­tion­ship with the Wal­mart Dis­tri­b­u­tion Cen­ter in Gas City to work with employ­ees on best-fit options of employ­ment, com­mu­ni­ty pres­ence, and stock ship­ment options to keep the store bet­ter stocked.

Com­mu­ni­ty pres­ence and involve­ment is a top val­ue for Wal­mart in Mar­i­on. Yvonne Ros­man, Mar­i­on Wal­mart Store Man­ag­er, has been with the com­pa­ny for 15 years, with five in Mar­i­on. She shared, In 2018, we gave a lit­tle over $8,500 to the Grant Coun­ty com­mu­ni­ty through sev­er­al non­prof­its, but we knew that wasn’t enough. We cre­at­ed a pre­sen­ta­tion to the cor­po­rate office that includ­ed some sta­tis­tics on our coun­ty that direct­ly impact our employ­ees and cus­tomers. One action we imple­ment­ed was increas­ing our vol­un­teer hours. As a store, we fin­ished with a grand total of 253 hours in 2019. From that team effort and pre­sen­ta­tion, we gave back $18,000 in grants and dona­tions in Grant Coun­ty this year. We also did a spe­cial project for the Grant Coun­ty Res­cue Mis­sion where we donat­ed 54 hours as a group with­in a cer­tain time­frame and pre­sent­ed them with $1,000 direct­ly!” All of Walmart’s employ­ees are also giv­en the option to donate a por­tion of their pay­check to sup­port the local Unit­ed Way.

If you have ques­tions about employ­ment, ser­vices, or phil­an­thropic giv­ing please con­tact the store at 765.662.0809. Fol­low them on Face­book at https://​www​.face​book​.com/​W​a​l​m​a​r​t​1294/

Sub­mit­ted by Brit­tany Howey

Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce