Press Release

Virgil Hartley Retires with Over 30 Years of Service in Engineering & Related Work Share

Nov 19, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

In 1976, Vir­gil Hart­ley began his career with the City of Mar­i­on as a Drafts­man for the Traf­fic Depart­ment. In the late 70s, the City cre­at­ed an Assis­tant Sur­vey­or posi­tion of which he served through the Engi­neer­ing Depart­ment until the ear­ly 80s. He explained, I was in the CETA (Com­pre­hen­sive Employ­ment and Train­ing Act) pro­gram of 1978, and I had a high school edu­ca­tion in draft­ing which opened the door to receive on-the-job train­ing.” He then became a Street Cut Inspec­tor in the ear­ly 80s. Hart­ley returned to the City again in the late 90s to serve as a Con­struc­tion Inspec­tor for the Engi­neer­ing Dept. 

Virgil Hartley

Dur­ing his career, Hart­ley received con­tin­ued edu­ca­tion from Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty in Traf­fic Engi­neer­ing, as well as spe­cial train­ing in MS4 (Munic­i­pal Sep­a­rate Storm Sew­er Sys­tem), and took on many spe­cial assign­ments direct­ed by the head of Engi­neer­ing, Mike Graft.

Graft described Hart­ley as an invalu­able asset to the City of Mar­i­on in addi­tion to an enjoy­able pres­ence in the office. Virgil’s hard work and dili­gence have great­ly ben­e­fit­ted the cit­i­zens of Mar­i­on, and I hope that oth­er employ­ees here will strive to fol­low his stel­lar exam­ple.” He fur­ther described Hart­ley as an instant friend upon hir­ing, and wished him hap­pi­ness in retirement.

Hart­ley reflect­ed on some notable projects dur­ing his career. I was on the Kem Road Project, the orig­i­nal Adams Street Project, the Nebras­ka Street Widen­ing Project, and sev­er­al oth­er road con­struc­tion projects. I also col­lect­ed data for the Traf­fic Sig­nal Project.”

Hart­ley expressed he holds fond mem­o­ries of work­ing under numer­ous admin­is­tra­tions. He expressed enjoy­ment in work­ing with oth­ers. There have been many great peo­ple,” he said.

His plans in retire­ment are to stay active, stay local, and enjoy var­i­ous out­door activ­i­ties. He will also remain a con­sul­tant for the City in MS4.

Fri­day, Novem­ber 19th, 2021 was Hartley’s last day in the office. Many City of Mar­i­on employ­ees gath­ered Fri­day to cel­e­brate his ser­vice through a retire­ment party.

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