True Envy Boutique Share

Nov 11, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Dawn Con­well is an entre­pre­neur­ial woman on the rise. She is the own­er of True Envy Bou­tique locat­ed in down­town Mar­i­on. She had a dream of this bou­tique; so, she start­ed it in her home two years ago this month. Cus­tomers would make appoint­ments to shop at her home.

True Envy Bou­tique was one of the first stores in the new­ly ren­o­vat­ed Boston Hill Cen­ter locat­ed at 5th and Wash­ing­ton Street. Because her cus­tomer base quick­ly gained momen­tum, she out­grew again! She relo­cat­ed to the north side of the square. Dawn’s bou­tique car­ries women’s cloth­ing rang­ing from small to 3X as well as a baby and pet sec­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, you may sched­ule events.

Her advice to women con­sid­er­ing becom­ing an entre­pre­neur — Fol­low your instincts and soar!

Dawn also owns Dawn’s Clean­ing Solu­tions that has been in oper­a­tion since 2014. Dawn Con­well is a fine exam­ple of what it is to invest in Mar­i­on & Grant County.


Tues­day-Fri­day, 11 – 6

Sat­ur­day, 11 – 3

139 E. 3rd Street, Mar­i­on, Indiana

Sub­mit­ted by:

Rachel Creech

Main Street Marion

Pho­to Cred­it: Aer­i­al Imagery