
Traffic Code Reminder in Case of Snow Emergency Share

Feb 1, 2022  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on reminds cit­i­zens of the traf­fic ordi­nance if a snow emer­gency is declared:

The May­or may declare a snow emer­gency when weath­er con­di­tions exist or threat­en to exist that may sub­stan­tial­ly impede the free flow of traf­fic on city streets as a result of accu­mu­la­tion of snow or ice. No per­son shall, with­in two hours after the dec­la­ra­tion of a snow emer­gency by the May­or, park or cause a vehi­cle to remain upon any street des­ig­nat­ed as a snow emer­gency route.

The fol­low­ing streets are des­ig­nat­ed as snow emer­gency routes:

1st Street from Adams Street to Wash­ing­ton Street
2nd Street from Del­phi Avenue to west city lim­its
3rd Street from Bald­win Avenue to West­ern Avenue
3rd Street from Del­phi Avenue to Penn­syl­va­nia Avenue
4th Street from East Third Street (SR 18) to Nor­ton Avenue
9th Street from Alaba­ma Avenue to Nebras­ka Street
14th Street from McClure Street to Nebras­ka Street
29th Street from Adams Street to Wash­ing­ton Street
30th Street from Home Avenue to West­ern Avenue
45th Street from Adams Street to Wash­ing­ton Street
Adams Street from First Street to 38th Street
Brad­ford Street from the east city lim­its to Wash­ing­ton Street
Del­phi Avenue from Third Street to Sec­ond Street
Jef­fras Avenue from Bald­win Avenue to Wabash Avenue
Nebras­ka Street from Spencer Avenue to South Wash­ing­ton Street
Spencer Avenue from Miller Avenue to Wash­ing­ton Street
Wabash Avenue from Bald­win Avenue to Spencer Avenue
Wash­ing­ton Street from the north city lim­its to South West­ern Avenue
West­ern Avenue between 2nd Street and 4th Street

The City Engi­neer shall cause signs to be erect­ed and main­tained on streets des­ig­nat­ing them as snow emer­gency routes. A snow emer­gency shall remain in effect until can­celed by the May­or.

In addi­tion to the above snow emer­gency routes, the May­or may des­ig­nate any oth­er city street or streets as snow emer­gency routes after a snow emer­gency has been declared.

The Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment may remove or cause to be removed, at the owner’s expense, any vehi­cle remain­ing on a snow emer­gency route after the dec­la­ra­tion of a snow emer­gency. Any per­son who shall park or cause a vehi­cle to remain on any snow emer­gency route in vio­la­tion of this sched­ule shall be deemed guilty of an ordi­nance vio­la­tion and, upon con­vic­tion, shall be fined as deter­mined by § 10.99. Each day a vio­la­tion con­tin­ues shall con­sti­tute a sep­a­rate and dis­tinct offense.

The link below takes you direct­ly to the munic­i­pal code for more information.

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