The City of Marion reminds citizens of the traffic ordinance if a snow emergency is declared:
The Mayor may declare a snow emergency when weather conditions exist or threaten to exist that may substantially impede the free flow of traffic on city streets as a result of accumulation of snow or ice. No person shall, within two hours after the declaration of a snow emergency by the Mayor, park or cause a vehicle to remain upon any street designated as a snow emergency route.
The following streets are designated as snow emergency routes:
1st Street from Adams Street to Washington Street
2nd Street from Delphi Avenue to west city limits
3rd Street from Baldwin Avenue to Western Avenue
3rd Street from Delphi Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue
4th Street from East Third Street (SR 18) to Norton Avenue
9th Street from Alabama Avenue to Nebraska Street
14th Street from McClure Street to Nebraska Street
29th Street from Adams Street to Washington Street
30th Street from Home Avenue to Western Avenue
45th Street from Adams Street to Washington Street
Adams Street from First Street to 38th Street
Bradford Street from the east city limits to Washington Street
Delphi Avenue from Third Street to Second Street
Jeffras Avenue from Baldwin Avenue to Wabash Avenue
Nebraska Street from Spencer Avenue to South Washington Street
Spencer Avenue from Miller Avenue to Washington Street
Wabash Avenue from Baldwin Avenue to Spencer Avenue
Washington Street from the north city limits to South Western Avenue
Western Avenue between 2nd Street and 4th Street
The City Engineer shall cause signs to be erected and maintained on streets designating them as snow emergency routes. A snow emergency shall remain in effect until canceled by the Mayor.
In addition to the above snow emergency routes, the Mayor may designate any other city street or streets as snow emergency routes after a snow emergency has been declared.
The Marion Police Department may remove or cause to be removed, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle remaining on a snow emergency route after the declaration of a snow emergency. Any person who shall park or cause a vehicle to remain on any snow emergency route in violation of this schedule shall be deemed guilty of an ordinance violation and, upon conviction, shall be fined as determined by § 10.99. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
The link below takes you directly to the municipal code for more information.