Top Sail Tattoo Share

Nov 14, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Top Sail Tat­too has called Down­town Mar­i­on, IN home for the past few years serv­ing the com­mu­ni­ty with cus­tom design and flash tat­too art. Own­er and Mar­i­on native, Lukas Cle­venger, first opened the shop in August 2020 at a sec­ond floor space near 4th and Wash­ing­ton Street and has since relo­cat­ed to 207 S. Wash­ing­ton Street which is the same build­ing as Mar­i­on Cycle Works and Psy­che­del­ic Cel­lar. You can access the par­lor by way of the back­door. The niche loca­tion will soon fea­ture a mur­al, thanks to the Charm Grant, to help folks more eas­i­ly find the unique studio.

When enter­ing the stu­dio, one will note many oppor­tu­ni­ties for flash work along the walls. Flash” tat­toos are pre-made designs that you will find on a poster or inside of a book. Many tat­too artists will dis­play their own flash designs for cus­tomers, and Cle­venger has a unique style of his own on dis­play. The shop offers flash to walk-in cus­tomers dur­ing open hours, and Cle­venger fre­quent­ly runs spe­cials on the­mat­ic work. Dur­ing the Hal­loween sea­son, he host­ed a spin­ning wheel of Hal­loween themed designs. Folks spun the wheel for a ran­dom tat­too at a low­er price or picked from the wheel. This is one exam­ple of the cre­ative pro­mo­tions offered at the shop. Cus­tomers can also work with Cle­venger on cus­tom design work. His artis­tic abil­i­ties fit many styles from sim­ple line work for a small piece to full back and chest pieces. Fol­low­ing Top Sail Tat­too on social media is one of the best ways to view the resume of artis­tic vari­ety and diverse place­ment Cle­venger is capa­ble of with his work. Though many tat­too par­lors will also pro­vide pierc­ing ser­vices, this is not some­thing Top Sail offers at this time. 

Down­town Mar­i­on is lucky to have such a tal­ent­ed tat­too par­lor in the neigh­bor­hood. Stop by dur­ing open hours to vis­it with Lukas and get some flash work, or reach out through the con­tact info below to set up an appoint­ment. You won’t regret going local for your next piece and in work­ing with Top Sail Tattoo. 

Hours: Sun & Thurs: 128pm (Oth­er­wise by appointment)

Address: 207 S. Wash­ing­ton St., Mar­i­on, IN 46952

Phone: 765.293.2913 (Call/​Text)

Email: topsailtattoo@​yahoo.​com

Web­site: top​sail​tat​too​.net

Social: Insta­gram and Face­book @TopSailTattoo

Sub­mit­ted by Kay­la John­son, Main Street Mar­i­on / Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Downtown