Tino Mitchener Share

Jun 2, 2017  |  Web Administrator

Tino Mitch­en­er has been a Fire­fight­er with the City of Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment since Novem­ber 4th, 2010. He is an Emer­gency Med­ical Tech­ni­cian, Scu­ba Div­er, and a CPR Instruc­tor through the Amer­i­can Heart Association.

On March 7th, 2017, Mitch­en­er used his CPR skills to save a chok­ing baby. He and fire­fight­ers from Sta­tion 2, along with Mar­i­on Gen­er­al medics, arrived on the scene on west 8th St. to find a 1 ½ year-old baby who was chok­ing and went unre­spon­sive. Mitch­en­er per­formed the same life-sav­ing tech­niques, that he also teach­es, on the child. He start­ed with back slaps then chest thrusts both at the home and in the ambu­lance on the way to Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. The baby became alert and start­ed breath­ing again while in route to the hos­pi­tal as a result of Mitchener’s life-sav­ing actions.

Tino is an emerg­ing leader in our depart­ment. He loves this job and he is very active in our com­mu­ni­ty. Tino will always go the extra mile which makes him an excel­lent fire­fight­er and employ­ee. In addi­tion to his spe­cial­ized train­ing, he has some basic Span­ish lan­guage skills which were also use­ful dur­ing the March 7th inci­dent. He takes his pro­fes­sion and all of his train­ing very seri­ous­ly. We are lucky to have him, and thank­ful his train­ing and quick action saved that child’s life.” – Geoff Williams, Fire Chief, MFD

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Tino Mitch­en­er! You set the bar high in pro­fes­sion­al­ism. Thank you for all you do!!

The Employ­ee Spot­light award is giv­en as a result of a rec­om­men­da­tion by the employ­ee’s direct super­vi­sor. The pur­pose of the Employ­ee Spot­light is to rec­og­nize the out­stand­ing work of City of Mar­i­on employ­ees as well as build morale by pro­vid­ing anoth­er source of recog­ni­tion for great work or a dis­play of great character.

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