The Quilters Hall of Fame (nonprofit) Share

Nov 1, 2019  |  Web Administrator

A beau­ti­ful yel­low house built in 1902 sits behind shade trees locat­ed at 926 South Wash­ing­ton Street on the south side of Marion’s down­town area. The place is known to some as the Marie Web­ster Home and to oth­ers as The Quil­ters Hall of Fame.

Marie Web­ster was a quilt design­er and mak­er of quilt pat­terns, some of which may be pur­chased today at the home. Mrs. Web­ster also wrote a book enti­tled Quilts, Their Sto­ry, and How to Make Them, (1915). She was an ear­ly entre­pre­neur and sold her quilt pat­terns through the mail all over the Unit­ed States. Because of her beau­ti­ful works and design tal­ents, the home has become the Marie Web­ster Home, and was list­ed on the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of His­toric Places in 1992, and in 1993 was des­ig­nat­ed a Nation­al His­toric Land­mark. It was recent­ly rec­og­nized as the largest quilt muse­um in Indiana.*

Today, the Marie Web­ster Home holds some of her orig­i­nal quilts, and reg­u­lar­ly fea­tures works from oth­er quil­ters. The muse­um changes the dis­plays sev­er­al times through­out the year. Each dis­play offers a small descrip­tion about the piece includ­ing the design­er, quil­ter, whether the piece was quilt­ed by hand or machine, and the sto­ry behind the design, if there is one.

Addi­tion­al­ly, there is a small gift shop inside the home where vis­i­tors may pur­chase var­i­ous things from gifts to books and mag­a­zines, and fab­ric. Monies raised keeps the home alive and vibrant. The orga­ni­za­tion holds a Cel­e­bra­tion” each year. Cel­e­bra­tion atten­dees may par­tic­i­pate in mak­ing the Quilt of Val­or, sewing a patri­ot­ic quilt block. The blocks are sewn togeth­er to make a quilt and giv­en to ser­vice­men and women.

You may join the Marie Web­ster Quilt Guild, become a vol­un­teer, or donate. There is always sew’ much to see and learn. While you vis­it the beau­ti­ful home, don’t for­get to take a stroll behind it to see the gar­den and memo­r­i­al bricks.

Hours are Tues­day through Sat­ur­day, 10am to 4pm, with a gen­er­al admis­sion rate of $4.00 per person.


Sub­mit­ted by:
Rachel Creech
Board Mem­ber
Main Street Marion