The Green Olive Pub Share

Dec 7, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The Green Olive Pub found new own­ers in August of 2020 when Charles Weaver sold the busi­ness to Alan Dray and Paula Mullenix. 

Dray said he had been want­i­ng to get back to work a few years after he had sold his two busi­ness­es – Grant Coun­ty Lawn and Mid­west Bin­go Supply.

The long­stand­ing neigh­bor­hood pub at 112 E. Brad­ford Street in Mar­i­on has since under­gone more improve­ments and addi­tions includ­ing an enclosed patio to pro­vide patrons with out­door din­ing and more room for enter­tain­ment, and also a sec­ond park­ing lot with new sig­nage off of Wash­ing­ton St. The indoor improve­ments have includ­ed a new ven­ti­la­tion sys­tem com­plet­ed in Novem­ber of 2023, and new ovens in the kitchen.

The Green Olive often hosts live music. The first annu­al Green Olive Music Fest was held in July 2023, where five bands played on a pro­fes­sion­al stage to a huge out­door crowd. The own­ers look for­ward to plan­ning for next July.

The Green Olive has host­ed fundrais­ers for var­i­ous local char­i­ties includ­ing for Can­cer Ser­vices of Grant Coun­ty and the Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Humane Soci­ety, and the Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Senior Cen­ter. They have par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Walk­way of Lights Parade. The Green Olive is an active par­tic­i­pant of fundrais­ers held through the Grant Coun­ty Tav­ern Asso­ci­a­tion includ­ing the Toys for Kids dri­ve, this year held on Decem­ber 9th, 2023, from 1 – 4pm at Ashley’s Ice Cream Café. Last year, the effort gave toys to 200 local families. 

To learn more of what’s going on at the Green Olive, vis­it Green Olive Pub” on Facebook.

Sub­mit­ted by: 
Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, City of Marion

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