Tammy Wolf Share

Mar 31, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Tam­my Wolf is a very deserv­ing employ­ee who is pas­sion­ate about her job. She helps guide vic­tims of abuse through the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem and advo­cates for them.” — Angela Haley, Mar­i­on Police Chief

Below is a let­ter from a woman thank­ing Tam­my for sav­ing her from a life of abuse:

I want­ed to take a minute and thank you (Tam­my Wolf) for sav­ing my life. You walked into my life when I was so bro­ken I could­n’t move for­ward or even turn left or right. A lot won’t under­stand this state­ment but you do…to take my next breath each day was painful.

I’ll nev­er for­get the day I was in the hos­pi­tal and you reached out to me after lay­ing there beat up and fight­ing for my life you would­n’t give up on me. Telling me to go home, that I was beau­ti­ful and God would give me a pure and true love one day but I had to make the step and in doing so, it would be the start to a new life.

In my head I learned how to take the phys­i­cal abuse. It became a way of life but I could­n’t seem to break free from rejec­tion and emo­tion­al pain. What I felt was love as you know was once again my life be destroyed. The day you took my hand and walked me through every crush­ing step I knew it was best but nev­er ever did I pic­ture (myself) healthy again, hap­py, hear­ing the sound of my own laugh again.

Tam­my, because of you and your love for women like me I am more than on my feet work­ing and liv­ing but my Prince has Walked in my life and Joy is what I feel everyday.

Thank you for sav­ing my life and please real­ize you real­ly did save my life. One day you will see all the bless­ings from all you have done!! Mar­i­on Adv (Tam­my) was my angel.


The Employ­ee Spot­light award is giv­en as a result of a rec­om­men­da­tion by the employ­ee’s direct super­vi­sor. The pur­pose of the Employ­ee Spot­light is to rec­og­nize the out­stand­ing work of City of Mar­i­on employ­ees as well as build morale by pro­vid­ing anoth­er source of recog­ni­tion for great work or a dis­play of great character.

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