Tammy Wolf has been with the Marion Police Department for several years in the position of Victim’s Advocate. Her main responsibilities are communicating and supporting victims of crime. Many people believe she only assists victims of domestic battery but she actually assists victims of any crime.
Regardless of what circumstances bring the victim to Tammy, she continues to show she cares. The degree of empathy, compassion and patience she continues to demonstrate day in and day out is extraordinary.
The importance of Tammy’s position is often overlooked. The challenges she faces assisting the victim are never easy to overcome. Yet, Tammy continues to do it daily with a positive attitude and often a smile!
Tammy has always been an asset to our department that we greatly appreciate! And trust me when I say, if you ever have the misfortune of being a victim of a crime, you want Tammy Wolf advocating for you!
Alex Kenworthy, Deputy Chief, Marion Police Department