SunsOut Puzzles Share

Mar 10, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Sun­sOut Puz­zles are made in the Unit­ed States includ­ing right here in Mar­i­on. The com­pa­ny is owned by a woman in Cal­i­for­nia who has select­ed the artists and pic­tures to be print­ed since the nineties, but the puz­zles were out­sourced to oth­er com­pa­nies to be man­u­fac­tured. The com­pa­ny was orig­i­nal­ly locat­ed on the west coast, but due to ship­ping expens­es the com­pa­ny began to look for a small ware­house in the Mid­west. For eleven years, Sun­sOut was in Koko­mo. In 2018, the com­pa­ny relo­cat­ed to the Park Avenue Indus­tries Com­plex in Mar­i­on. In 2020, the com­pa­ny invest­ed in machin­ery that would allow Sun­sOut to man­u­fac­ture their own puz­zles instead of just sell­ing the boxed prod­uct. With the help of local Mar­i­on busi­ness own­ers like Justin Rid­dle, Josh Bak­er, JD Hodge, and Robert Ash­brooke, on Jan­u­ary 8, 2022, Sun­sOut cel­e­brat­ed the one-year anniver­sary of the Mar­i­on facil­i­ty cut­ting its first puzzle.

Addi­tion­al­ly, an artist by the name of David Uhl toured the Mar­i­on facil­i­ty and auto­graphed his paint­ings that were being turned into puz­zles. David is known for being the first per­son to become a licensed oil painter for Harley David­son. He has cre­at­ed work for Steven Tyler and many oth­ers. You may find his art here: uhlstu​dios​.com.

Plant Man­ag­er DL Hurd is from Mar­i­on. He takes pride in invest­ing in the lives of his employ­ees. Know­ing that Sun­sOut is pro­vid­ing jobs to those in the Grant Coun­ty com­mu­ni­ty and bring­ing in tax dol­lars that can help sup­port and grow the com­mu­ni­ty is reward­ing, accord­ing to Hurd. Sun­sOut strives to pro­vide the best ser­vice, qual­i­ty, designs, and expe­ri­ence in the indus­try. Hurd hopes to add a sec­ond and third shift at the facil­i­ty in the next few years. 

Sun­sOut puz­zles are avail­able to be pur­chased online at sun​sout​.com or at Jig­saw Junc­tion in down­town Marion.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Char­i­ty Bai­ley
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council

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