SRO Jerry Brown, Capt. John Kauffman, Sgt. Eric Randle, & Sgt. Ben Williams Share

Jan 10, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Four MPD offi­cers were con­grat­u­lat­ed and cel­e­brat­ed dur­ing a com­bined retire­ment par­ty on Jan­u­ary 10th, 2019:

School Resource Offi­cer Jer­ry Brown is retir­ing after 20 years. He recalled enjoy­ing being present with the stu­dents at Mar­i­on Com­mu­ni­ty Schools where he served for 3 ½ years. Brown will go on to become a police offi­cer for the new MGH Police Dept. He said being a police offi­cer was what he’s want­ed to do since he was a boy. He said he’ll undoubt­ed­ly miss work­ing as an SRO. In speak­ing with sev­er­al of his stu­dents and school employ­ees, he made a valu­able impact with them. They were very sad to see him go as are we.” — Chief Angela Haley

Capt. John Kauff­man is also retir­ing after 20 years. He has worked exten­sive­ly in the Crim­i­nal Inves­ti­ga­tions Divi­sion (CID) with focus on drug inves­ti­ga­tions. Kauff­man has also worked as a super­vi­sor includ­ing Capt. of Day Shift. Kauff­man is remain­ing in law enforce­ment and will become Chief Inves­ti­ga­tor for the Grant Coun­ty Prosecutor’s Office. Kauff­man said he will miss MPD, adding it was like a sec­ond home. I would give him any task and he would do it. He was a good men­tor, always giv­ing good advice. He’s a good guy…one of the best.” — Chief Angela Haley

Sgt. Eric Ran­dle is retir­ing after 32 years. He worked in CID for many years but real­ly enjoyed going back on the road talk­ing to peo­ple and being with the com­mu­ni­ty. He will con­tin­ue his part-time job work­ing secu­ri­ty at Ivy Tech. Ran­dle expressed how proud he is of the depart­ment, not­ing it con­tin­ues to get bet­ter. He added that he’ll miss his co-work­ers. Sgt. Ran­dle is good-heart­ed, unselfish, and relat­able to many peo­ple from many walks of life. He would help any­body with any­thing. I can’t imag­ine the depart­ment with­out a Ran­dle, con­sid­er­ing he comes from a fam­i­ly of good police offi­cers.” Chief Angela Haley

Sgt. Ben Williams is retir­ing after 24 years. He served as a Detec­tive Sgt. for many years. He was not present for the par­ty as he is cur­rent­ly train­ing in Fort Wayne for a new job. He always came to work with a joke and a pos­i­tive out­look. His expe­ri­ence, method­i­cal way of polic­ing, and lead­er­ship with con­vic­tion will be missed.” – Chief Angela Haley