
Splash House Half Price while Wave Pool is Down Share

Jun 15, 2017  |  Web Administrator

Admis­sion will be HALF PRICE for every­one until the Wave Pool is back in operation.

Half price admis­sion: adults $4; chil­dren $3; seniors 55+ $3.

The Wave Pool is plan­ning to be back in oper­a­tion some­time this week.

The Bowl Slide is down until fur­ther notice.

We apol­o­gize for the incon­ve­nience. We hope that you take advan­tage of the half price rates for the next few days.

If you’d like to keep up on the dai­ly hap­pen­ings at the Splash House, fol­low its Face­book page: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​T​h​e​S​p​l​a​s​h​H​o​u​s​e​M​a​r​i​o​n​/​?​f​r​ef=nf

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