Our special Champion series brings teachers and parents to the forefront this month.
Mayor Jess Alumbaugh expressed, “The past two months have brought a host of new challenges that has made teaching and learning difficult. Teachers have worked tirelessly to create new and exciting ways to meet their students’ needs at the same time dealing with the personal changes happening in their own homes. Parents have also faced the challenges of keeping their children engaged in their schoolwork in an environment of distractions. Though the routines and challenges have been dramatically altered, both teachers and parents deserve a standing ovation for their hard work and dedication to our children.”
A mom said she is fortunate that her son, a junior during the spring, adapted well to e‑learning largely due to great support from the top down. “Teachers were very accessible if he had questions. Teachers and even coaches would even check in on him periodically.”
A mom of two elementary school students said her family was also well-supported by the school. “The teachers even dropped materials off at our doorstep.”
A dad of a 2nd grader was rearranging his business operation by making masks while ensuring his daughter continued a good education from home. “We mostly enjoyed the online ‘hangouts.’ We got to see the teacher and other classmates once a week.”
One high school teacher said it was the most challenging thing she has ever faced as an educator. “I could not be hands-on, students did not always have Internet or device access, plus emotions from certain students brought on some lack of motivation. A good thing from the experience was learning how to use resources and personalize curriculum using the tools the students had available.”

Marion Community Schools Supt. Dr. Brad Lindsay thanked all his staff, families, and community. “We are so grateful for the support, cooperation, and collaboration always, but especially in the past several weeks as we worked together to find a way forward during the pandemic. We are so proud of our educators and staff who shifted their work quickly to address new challenges. The excellent work put in by our teachers and administrators, technology and facilities staff, food service workers, and all other staff has been simply astounding. We have distributed nearly half a million meals. We graduated more than 300 seniors. We maintained connections and grew stronger relationships with our thousands of students and families…all while continuing to provide learning opportunities while our buildings were closed! Our staffers are champions. Our students are champions. Our families are champions. We appreciate the City of Marion for recognizing them as such! To all returning Giants and to all of our new Giants, we can’t wait to engage and connect with you in our upcoming Giant Jumpstart remote learning in July, and either on campus or through our Giant Online Academy when the school year starts Aug. 5. Thank you for being champions, and for being Giant by choice!”
The City of Marion congratulates all parents and teachers of all school systems for your bravery and perseverance. We recognize your sacrifices and thank you for continuing to do your best amid this evolving adversity.