The City of Marion would like to offer sincere thanks to our local grocery and convenience store workers. These employees are striving vigorously to meet consumer needs, taking on additional duties, and in many cases working additional or fluctuating hours…all in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mayor Jess Alumbaugh expressed, “I want to recognize all of these workers for putting themselves on the front lines to provide our community with the essentials of day-to-day life. Our routines have changed, but our necessities are constant. The willingness and sacrifices of these front-liners have allowed this community to continue moving forward during these uncertain times.”
A smaller grocery/convenience store manager in Marion stated they have hired more workers. Albeit fully staffed, the manager said it has been a continuous challenge meeting all needs of customers. “We are doing the best we can to keep up, even working extra hours. Overall, my team has been understanding and positive under the stress, and the morale is good.” The small store has been well-supported by the public, and the manager thanked customers in addition to employees. “Even though we may not have everything all of the time, we have been working hard to make sure there is something for you,” the manager added.

(Photo by Carlos de Toro)
A co-manager of a larger Marion grocery / “big box” store stated staff members there have been doing well under the added pressure. “Our store is very tight-knit, like a family. We work together to accomplish tasks and take on functions we’ve never done before.” The large store has reduced hours basically in half to allow cleaning crews to sanitize and to help with freight flow. They have dedicated times for seniors and the at-risk population to shop when the store is freshest from cleaning. The store is utilizing secondary producers to replenish products, and taking steps necessary to meet needs while keeping people safe, but it is not guaranteeing all products all the time. “If customers would simply buy what they need, we would be able to fulfill more people’s needs,” the manager expressed.
This week, Grant County Commissioner Mark Bardsley gave a message to the public during his update. “I encourage folks to be patient (with grocery stores). They are following protocols and daily procedures.”
Many bigger stores are still hiring to keep up with demand and added protocols, and usually have streamlined assessments and application processes on each of their websites.