Snow Removal Crew Share

Mar 4, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

On a frigid day, Feb­ru­ary 15th, 2021, snow removal crews all over the coun­try pre­pared for a win­ter snow blast that would lay a thick white blan­ket from far north to as far south as Texas. On the morn­ing of Feb­ru­ary 16th, after snow had accu­mu­lat­ed overnight but would con­tin­ue pack­ing down for sev­er­al more hours — schools, busi­ness­es, and even gov­ern­ment offices had shut down for the day. A red lev­el trav­el dis­as­ter had been declared by Grant Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers in line with count­less coun­ties across the nation. Snow­fall between 8 – 12 inch­es was being report­ed in Grant Coun­ty, Indi­ana accord­ing to a news arti­cle in the Chron­i­cle Tri­bune on Feb­ru­ary 17th.

While the res­i­dents were ordered to stay home, the snow plows pressed on. The Snow Removal Crew made up of 16 employ­ees (includ­ing man­age­ment and sup­port staff) of the City of Mar­i­on City­wide Main­te­nance Dept. was one crew out of mon­u­men­tal num­bers across the coun­try clear­ing roads for safe travel.

City of Mar­i­on City­wide Main­te­nance Super­in­ten­dent, James Loftis, expressed extreme grat­i­tude toward his hard-work­ing and dili­gent team dur­ing the win­ter emergency.

This amaz­ing crew start­ed at 7am Mon­day morn­ing, and worked around the clock for days to get the job done. We were faced with just under one foot of snow­fall in a 24-hour peri­od, and this crew took away from their fam­i­lies to work con­tin­u­ous hours to clear the streets. I can’t say enough of the pro­fes­sion­al­ism and work eth­ic they dis­played dur­ing this storm and the pre­vi­ous snow event. They always stand tall amid the many thank­less jobs they are presented.”

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