
East Entry Only & Security Check, Beginning 4/3/23 Share

Mar 27, 2023  |  Web Administrator

Start­ing Mon­day, April 3rd, 2023, the pub­lic will only be per­mit­ted to enter City Hall from the east side from McClure Street. The west side will become an entrance for employ­ees only. Vis­i­tors will go through a secu­ri­ty check as a mea­sure for every­one’s safe­ty. Secu­ri­ty staff will also greet and serve as a help­ful resource for vis­i­tors who have ques­tions or need help find­ing where they need to go.

New sig­nage on the out­side and inside of the build­ing is being installed, and will help with wayfinding.

The Mar­i­on Munic­i­pal Build­ing (City Hall), locat­ed at 301 S. Bran­son St., is open from 8am-4pm, Mon­day through Friday.

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