Rose Cadena Share

Jul 6, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Rose Cade­na is the Admin­is­tra­tive Assis­tant for the City of Mar­i­on Parks & Recre­ation Depart­ment. She has been in her posi­tion for 10 years. In addi­tion to under­tak­ing mul­ti­ple tasks in her job, she puts the FUN” in all events at City Hall. Rose spear­heads and orga­nizes many par­ties and events for the City team. Her com­pet­i­tive nature is the dri­ve behind Cor­po­rate Chal­lenge and all activ­i­ties con­nect­ed with this event.

Rose is real­ly the one who runs the Parks Depart­ment, and keeps us all in line. I’m very thank­ful for her and hap­py she’s a part of our team.” — Belin­da Hus­song, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Parks & Recreation.

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Rose! You are very deserv­ing of recog­ni­tion for the thank­less work you put in to your job as well as func­tions out­side of city business.

The Employ­ee Spot­light award is giv­en as a result of a rec­om­men­da­tion by the employ­ee’s direct super­vi­sor. The pur­pose of the Employ­ee Spot­light is to rec­og­nize the out­stand­ing work of City of Mar­i­on employ­ees as well as build morale by pro­vid­ing anoth­er source of recog­ni­tion for great work or a dis­play of great character.