
Road Closure: South Washington at Courthouse Square, 9/16 Share

Sep 12, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

DATE: SAT­UR­DAY SEP­TEM­BER 16, 2017 LOCA­TION: S. WASH­ING­TON STREET between 3rd Street (S.R. 18 W) and 4th Street (S.R. 18 E) TIME: 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

The Lark’s Song will be hav­ing their 4th Annu­al Day of Alive­ness this Sat­ur­day in down­town Mar­i­on on the Square. For any ques­tions or infor­ma­tion please con­tact rachel@​larkssong.​com, 8125211378 or www​.lark​song​.com, 765 – 351-LARK.