Reverend Doctor James “Umfundisi” Lo is of Chinese descent, but was born in New York City. He resided in various parts of the world as a missionary including in Africa and Southeast Asia before moving to Marion, Indiana in the mid-1990s. Indiana Wesleyan University had reached out to him then in need of help in starting a mission outreach program. He has ever since been with IWU, and currently serves as Professor of Intercultural Studies and Campus Pastor-Intercessor. (“Umfundisi” means “mentor” in the Zulu language).
Beyond his work scope, Dr. Lo is active in the community in a powerful way through spiritual advising and driving efforts to raise funds for vital organizations in Marion. He has served on the Grant County Rescue Mission Board of Directors including as President. He has helped IWU students get involved in the community through serving meals, participating in cleanup & improvement projects, and contributing financially to local charities. When he was Dean of the Chapel at IWU, he led the student body in raising over $30,000 for various organizations including the Rescue Mission, the Grant County Senior Center, and St. Martin’s Community Center.
Lo organizes and leads prayer walks and gatherings in the Marion community, and is always encouraging prayer in the community.
A huge volunteer commitment is his servant leadership through the Crossroads District of the Wesleyan Church, which includes over 100 churches within the State of Indiana. Currently, he is working with a church in Chesterfield following the death of its longtime pastor. Also, through the Crossroads District, he coordinates for prayer ministries, helping men and women to become pastors.
Dr. Lo is always challenging students and other individuals to break through their ‘bubble’ by being involved in the Marion community because they are part of the community. He advocates that Indiana Wesleyan University is part of Marion, which is a great place to be.