
Reminder: No Yard Waste/Brush Pickup Until Further Notice Share

Apr 9, 2020  |  Web Administrator

After our announce­ment a cou­ple of weeks ago that City­wide Main­te­nance is not accept­ing or pick­ing up yard waste (brush) until fur­ther notice, we are still get­ting a lot of phone calls about need­ing this ser­vice. Our sta­tus remains the same until fur­ther notice. The com­post facil­i­ty also remains closed. We will announce at a lat­er time when the ser­vice will resume.

In the mean­time, please set it aside and make sure brush is in 4‑ft by 2‑ft bun­dles. For leaves and oth­er yard waste, please use biodegrad­able bags. City­wide Main­te­nance does not pick up plas­tic bags or piles that aren’t with­in City ordinances.

We appre­ci­ate your patience dur­ing this time, and we will be in touch.

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