
Postponed 2020 Earth Day Event Officially Canceled Share

Aug 6, 2020  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on and Mar­i­on Util­i­ties have offi­cial­ly can­celed the annu­al Earth Day event for this year. Orga­niz­ers were going to resched­ule the annu­al spring event for the fall, but with con­tin­ued uncer­tain­ty regard­ing the pan­dem­ic and low rate of response from ven­dors, every­one involved agreed to wait until next year.

Parks & Recre­ation has post­ed the fol­low­ing mes­sage to social media fol­low­ers, It is with a heavy heart that we must announce that our Earth Day event has offi­cial­ly been can­celled. With all of the uncer­tain­ty sur­round­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic and how things will be in the fall, we have decid­ed that it is safer to just wait until next year. Sor­ry friends! We hope to be back in April 2021 with an event that is big­ger and bet­ter than ever! Until then, keep lov­ing the earth and pro­tect­ing it, because we only have one plan­et to call home! Thanks to every­one that was plan­ning to par­tic­i­pate this year. We’ll keep in touch!”

If you would like to be involved in the April 2021 event, please reach out to us through a pri­vate mes­sage on the Gar­dens of Mat­ter Park Face­book Page.

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