Player's Gear Share

Aug 5, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Player’s Gear opened its doors in Down­town Mar­i­on in Novem­ber, 2019 in the Boston Hill Cen­ter after the own­er dis­cov­ered a spe­cial for open­ing in a small space. Own­er, Rick Tish, start­ed his busi­ness online sell­ing repaired gui­tars that he had pur­chased and fixed up. As his daugh­ter began a small busi­ness, Sarah’s Sweets” in Gas City, he saw an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sell some­thing along­side her at mar­kets. This is what drew him to begin mak­ing unique fuzz ped­als, gui­tar-themed coat racks and picks.” The picks are wall décor con­sist­ing of pic­tures of musi­cians on gui­tar pick shaped wood­en back­ing. All of these are avail­able at his shop today.

The store­front has real­ly expand­ed his clien­tele and intro­duced him to more play­ers and bands in the com­mu­ni­ty. Open­ing the store­front hasn’t been sim­ple, and when asked what advice he’d give to any­one on a sim­i­lar jour­ney of own­ing a shop, he replied, It takes a lot of peo­ple to run a busi­ness – you need a strong com­mu­ni­ty behind you to main­tain your sta­mi­na for the tough days.” He also said, Be patient. All the mon­ey in the begin­ning will need to be spent right back into the busi­ness.” His gives thanks to his fam­i­ly and friends from Stu­dio B” for being his com­mu­ni­ty that dri­ves him to main­tain sta­mi­na and patience. 

In fact, Stu­dio B” is where he first learned to play and repair gui­tars. This com­mu­ni­ty used to gath­er in the old Iriquois build­ing pre­vi­ous­ly on the square where STAR Finan­cial Bank now resides. 

Today, this small shop packs a punch of ser­vices for play­ers; you can pur­chase a gui­tar, gear, art, and get a tune-up! When asked if there’s any­thing he wished peo­ple knew about the shop, he replied, Just wish more peo­ple knew that I am here!” So, come get to know Rick Tish, and while you’re there, ask him to play a lit­tle bit on his slide gui­tar! He enjoys hold­ing the tra­di­tion of being a trades­man who owns a small repair shop, and looks for­ward to meet­ing you. 

Player’s Gear
Boston Hill Center

428 S Wash­ing­ton St., Suite 201
Mar­i­on, IN 46953
(765) 9978199

Sub­mit­ted by:
Kay­la Johnson
Main Street Marion

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