Peerless Machine & Tool Share

Jun 11, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Peer­less Machine and Tool Cor­po­ra­tion was found­ed in Grant Coun­ty in 1922 and has remained here ever since. The Mar­i­on-based com­pa­ny is locat­ed on Sec­ond Street. It began as a fam­i­ly busi­ness and con­tin­ued as such for four gen­er­a­tions before con­vert­ing to a 100% employ­ee-owned firm through the cre­ation of the Employ­ee Stock Own­er­ship Plan (ESOP) in 2017.

Peer­less is a glob­al leader of equip­ment for the paper-con­vert­ing indus­try with a pres­ence in 41 coun­tries. They design and man­u­fac­tur­er ther­mal form­ing press­es and tooling/​molds specif­i­cal­ly to pro­duce paper plates, trays, and bowls.

We thank Peer­less Machine and Tool Cor­po­ra­tion for their long term invest­ment in Marion!

Sub­mit­ted by:
Char­i­ty Bai­ley
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council

Watch this short piece about Peer­less Machine & Tool made by Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council: