Pearl Bassett was born on April 28th, 1911. Pearl has been alive for over a century, having turned 107 years old in 2018. She is a lifelong resident of Marion, Indiana. Pearl was notably the first Democratic Precinct Chairwoman in Grant County, Indiana. She also served as the first Black Secretary of the Grant County Democratic Central Committee. Pearl marched with 350 people in 1969 fighting for civil rights. She is the recipient of many local, state, and national honors including the NAACP Unsung Heroin Award; the Francis Hook Award, the NAACP’s highest honor for women; and the Centurion Award, presented by Governor Mike Pence in 2003. These awards are in response to her ground-shaking activism and devotion to the social and civil rights of African Americans.
Pearl Bassett has been a woman of strong faith throughout her life.
“It is wonderful that God has helped me live this long. There are so many killings, and it makes you think about what it means to be alive. I’m very proud that I’ve lived this long.” – Pearl Bassett
“I’m proud to have been born and raised in Grant County.” – Pearl Bassett