Paul Thompson III Share

Oct 4, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Cap­tain Paul Thomp­son III has been serv­ing on the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment for near­ly 30 years. He is a cer­ti­fied Emer­gency Med­ical Tech­ni­cian (EMT), Fire Offi­cer I, Instruc­tor I, II, & III, an Arson Inves­ti­ga­tor, and a Haz­mat Tech­ni­cian. He has com­plet­ed ongo­ing train­ing through the Nation­al Fire Acad­e­my, and the Illi­nois Fire Ser­vice Institute.

He holds high regard for the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment and has high stan­dards for pro­fes­sion­al fire­fight­ers in gen­er­al. PT3’ takes pride in giv­ing back to both the depart­ment and the com­mu­ni­ty,” said Chief Geoff Williams.

This past August, Thomp­son III ini­ti­at­ed a spe­cial one-day event here in Mar­i­on with an orga­ni­za­tion called Pink Heals which trav­els around the Unit­ed States uplift­ing indi­vid­u­als bat­tling cancer.

He took it upon him­self, with the assis­tance of Eng. Antho­ny Mon­day and Pvt. Rollen Mason, to orga­nize the Pink Heals Tour’ in Mar­i­on,” said Williams. They con­tact­ed dif­fer­ent orga­ni­za­tions for names of sur­vivors and patients, then con­tact­ed the rel­a­tives of those indi­vid­u­als whom they planned to sur­prise, and put togeth­er gift bags of use­ful items for them.

The tour took place dur­ing a rainy Sat­ur­day on August 25th, 2018, when they car­a­vanned with the pop­u­lar pink fire truck and pink sup­port vehi­cles to vis­it nine local can­cer patients at their respec­tive loca­tions. They let them sign the truck and took group pho­tos among oth­er fun things.

I thought it was a very hum­bling expe­ri­ence. Each patient real­ly appre­ci­at­ed our vis­it. It’s some­thing we look for­ward to doing again next year and I’m sure it will grow with more par­tic­i­pa­tion,” Williams said confidently.

Williams added he real­ly appre­ci­ates PT3’s dri­ve to give back to the com­mu­ni­ty in this way.

About 20 fire­fight­ers par­tic­i­pat­ed in the event that day along with some police officers.

To find pho­tos and videos from the August 25th Pink Heals Tour” in Mar­i­on, vis­it MFD’s Face­book Page, @MarionINFireDept.