The City of Marion Parks & Recreation Department has been awarded a matching grant in the amount of $50,000 for new playground equipment in multiple aged parks throughout the city.
The grant award comes from Sinclair Recreation, LLC’s giving program, GameTime Cares. More information about the program is found at
The Parks & Recreation Department plans to make an order of multiple playground structures before the end of October. The Department plans to install the new structures throughout the parks in the spring of 2021, when the ground unfreezes.
Parks & Recreation and Citywide Maintenance Superintendent, James Loftis, said he’s excited for the parks system as a whole. “We’ve been looking for ways to upgrade the aged park system. With the limited funds we have, it’s almost essential that we look for grants. In getting this grant, we can upgrade and add new structures to the parks — not one — but multiple structures. We wanted to upgrade the parks to give families a reason to come out and use the parks again. This is only the beginning of good things to come.”
It will be announced at a later time which parks will be receiving the new playground equipment and the type of equipment each will receive. There are 13 parks in the City of Marion’s park system, and it is estimated that five parks will receive the new structures.