The Marion Police Department’s Police Athletic League or “PAL Club” is comprised of only two employees – Bill Alter and Bre Laypoole. These two civilian employees are being highlighted for their dedication in serving the youth of the PAL Club, particularly during the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The PAL Club was one of the few local leagues that still provided an opportunity for kids to participate in sports.
Marion Police Chief Angela Haley expressed gratitude for the PAL Club and the people who make it possible. “We have been able to keep the doors open at the PAL Club safely during this whole pandemic, allowing children the ability to play and participate in team sports.”
Both employees explained that continuing PAL Club operations did not come without challenges including trying to keep up with frequently changing government guidelines.
Despite the challenges, Alter said, “We were still able to accomplish getting all of our leagues able to play. We had a full baseball season by starting it a little later and running it into later in the summer. We also had a full outdoor soccer season and finished with a full indoor soccer season.” He added that parents and spectators were very cooperative with the special guidelines and changes.
Laypoole expressed that the PAL Club leagues’ continuation was very important for the families. “Playing ball is a normal thing, and it gave everyone something to look forward to,” she emphasized.
Both employees are proud of the PAL Club’s mission.
Laypoole said, “It’s so much fun being a part of the PAL Club. It’s a safe place for kids to have fun and play ball.”
Alter, a 30-year PAL Club veteran, stated, “I’m proud of what we bring to the community’s youth. I have spent many years making sure the kids have a safe, fun place to participate in our sports.”